Sunday, March 16, 2008

"סוף מעשה במחשבה תחילה"

בעקבות התבוננות ומחקר אודות פרוייקט "אנדרומדה", גיבשנו עמדה לפיה חשוב וראוי ליצור קנ"מ אורבאני בתוך פרוייקט.
אין כוונתנו לטשטוש יחסי פנים וחוץ, והפיכת המרחב לציבורי כעמדה פוליטית ערכית.
אנו סבורים כי מתן מקום לאחר, הינו מהלך חשוב שתורם לשני הצדדים. אילו פרוייקט אנדרומדה היה נפתח, מגדיר בתוכו יחסי פנים וחוץ מורכבים, ומאפשר דיפוזיה עם סביבתו, תחושת המרחב הפנימי הייתה מתרחבת ומכילה גם את הערכים המקומיים.
והרי בשל ערכים אלו בדיוק נבחר מיקום הפרוייקט וערכו התרבותי.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

the building itself disconnects from its environment

using a wall to create a boundry from the immidiate surrounding

the building turns away from the "slums" surrounding it and parcialy opens itself to the sea.

the building is creating a city within a city, providing its tenants with all they need, so they won't need "to wander away" from it.
a deserted island

the project is located in an eclectic environment.

floor plan - penthouse (duplex)

floor plan - penthouse

floor plan - 3 bedroom apartment

floor plan - 2 bedroom apartment

floor plan -1 bedroom apartment

floor plan -1 bedroom apartment

Monday, January 7, 2008

The project creates a buffer to the public separating the tenants from their surrounding public.
There's a significant difference between the architectural statement of integration in the jaffa scenery and the actual marketing strategy of a city inside a city.

The project, in contrast to the artist colony, is creating a closed cluster in the urban fabric, and by that creating an unnatural phenomenon that isolate the project from its surroundings.
the project is accommodating a very high income public in a low income area.

The public spaces connecting all the tenants in a way that creates a sub-urban act inside the project and try to connect the sub-urban area with the outer environment.

Monday, December 17, 2007

the Andromeda Hill is located in jaffa, between the old city (artist colony) from north, the flee market from east, the jaffa port from west and Ajami neighborhood from south.

Andromeda Hill is the new old Jaffa, a picturesque
neighborhood with paved stone alleyways,
graceful arches sparkling fountains and
majestic palm trees, in authentic old Jaffa style.